CCA Public Meeting Minutes: 11.28.2023

CCA Public Meeting

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 – FB Live Stream

Location: United Evangelical Church (Dillon Street and East Avenue)

The meeting started at 6:35PM.

Amanda Bourgeois, President, welcomed people and said the meeting was being live streamed on Facebook. She asked if any new members were here tonight.


Larry Nunley – Department of Public Works: Mr. Nunley said there is a new hire in the DPW - Haydee Batista, She is bilingual and can help with various things including fliers. He will still be around; his information is: 443-615-2626/443-534-0574;

He said there are very few pokies. Also, dumping should be reported by calling 311. DPW deals with water, sewer and pipe issues. They are looking to resume weekly recycling. An ongoing problem has been hiring new drivers.


United Evangelical Church – Rev. Dr. Marietta Hebert-Davis:Rev. Davis is the new interim pastor of this church and spoke for a few minutes. She asked if any guys could assist with her worker here at the church.

Day of Giving – Saturday, December 9 – Amanda: This is in partnership with the Exchange Club of Highlandtown/Canton. Canned goods and unwrapped toys will be collected.

Public Safety Camera Grant – Amanda: This is a $100,000 grant through the Department of Housing. The focus is on O’Donnell Square, the Loading Dock (Fleet, Boston and Chester Streets) and the Rite Aid on Foster Avenue. Other neighborhoods also received a grant. They are all working on locations. There is a plan for signage and a QR code. There will be a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the CCA and the business. There is also the possibility of another grant in the future. There is technology involved and possibly license plate readers.

Reading Partners – Taryn Christiansen and Diamond Jaggers: They spoke about the need for volunteers. Material is in the back on the table.

Red Line Discussion – Chris Broughton: On an unrelated matter last week, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded Baltimore City a $9.9 million Safe Streets for All grant, slated for demonstration projects for the City's implementation of Complete Streets. It is the largest grant award under the USDOT program in the nation. This will help with the Greenway Trails Network.

Red Line meetings have been held to receive feedback. There are various options – LRT (Light Rail Transit) and BRT (Bus Rapid Transit). The site is People are encouraged to take the survey which will end soon. The overwhelming feeling seems to be for LRT. If it’s on Boston vs. Fleet Street then fewer parking spots would be lost. Also Boston Street has a lot of businesses, and this should slow traffic. Someone asked if it will happen even if people here don’t want it? There have been ample opportunities for feedback. Meetings will still take place.

Dog Park Update – Amanda/Jayne Miller: This park is now 21 years old. Jayne said they are waiting for approval from the DPW to do the work needed. The CCA has been pushing this. Volunteers with large dogs are needed who are there regularly.

Parade of Lighted Boats – Saturday, December 2 – Amanda: This is being held at 5:30P near the Anchorage Marina.

New Business – Baltimore Bark House – not present

Inspiring Fitness – not present


BGE – Project Outreach Team – Cristiano Quijano and Robert Koehnke: They are with the Outreach Coordination Team and showed a presentation on the Dillon Street work upgrading gas lines. Letters will be sent to residents with information with decisions to be made. The presentation included showing gas getting to the property. We will have the choice of the regulators being placed inside or outside. Appointments will be set up with the people involved. The State legislature is requiring new installations since there is the need for higher pressure.

SE District Police – Morgan Jones – Safety Resource Coordinator: Morgan meets with various agencies. She read some stats saying ours are the better ones. There is the monthly Commander’s meeting at the SE on Eastern Avenue on Wednesday, December 6. She said to please share any ideas with her which will be passed along.

Her info is:; 443-452-9754.

A discouraged resident is urging the CCA to do something about the crime issues and possibly private security. It was mentioned that private security was never a CCA issue. There are also costs involved with this. Help with patrol will be coming in January. Amanda urged people to volunteer.

Team 46 is pulling together a meeting to involve the Mayor, City officials, Dept. of Juvenile Services, the State’s Attorney officials, police and residents.

Cameras on houses are helpful. There is a Block Captain program. People are urged to know your neighbors. There is a website where people can sign up for a ride along with the police.

Councilman Zeke Cohen’s Office – Ash Nicholes: Ash said a lot of City agencies are understaffed. There are two bills to get the Baltimore City Police Department back to City control. There are technical issues involved. Ash also said Councilman Cohen is working on getting a recall of problem cars. The updated redistricting map won’t take effect until January, 2025. They are working on the lighting on the promenade. The developer is responsible.

Closing Remarks: Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting tonight. CCA Committees could always use help.

You can reach us at Let us know if you are interested in the Get Lit program or the O’Donnell Square Park Buy-A-Brick program (also being sold at the Canton Dog Park).

Special thanks to HomeSlyce for providing the food tonight and for the United Evangelical Church for providing the space.

The meeting officially adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Denise Aversa